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The sixth month meeting of the TECHeese Project was celebrated in the Faculty of Food and Tourism, Transylvania University of Brasov (Romania) on 27th and 28th of May 2010. The meeting was celebrated conjointly with the BIOATLAS Congress, an International Symposium considering topics such as agriculture, food, landscape management and tourism, between others. More »
The Consorcio Manchego, to which AGRAMA belongs, has published in the last number of its official journal, news explaining the importance of the TECHeese Project for the livestock sector within the region. More »
Another public presentation of the TECHeese project was offered on the Fisrt Technical Meeting (18th March 2010, Sassari) where the Coordinator (Ms. Isabel Berruga) and the head of each RTD explained to the researchers, university students, and the local press the main objectives of the project. More »
The Dehesa de los Llanos Estate, member of the consortium, hosted the presentation to the mass media of the European Project TECHeese chaired by the Vice-rector of Research of University of Castilla-La Mancha, Mr. Francisco José Quiles Flor. Representatives of each of the 12 partners involved from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Romania and Spain were represented. More »
At the Kick-off meeting celebrated at Albacete the 21st of January 2010, a public presentation of the project to the press has been celebrated where assisted the Vice-Rector of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Dr. Francisco José Quiles) and the Head of service from the Spanish Agricultural Ministry (Mr. Alfredo Martín). More »