The sixth month meeting of the TECHeese Project was celebrated in the Faculty of Food and Tourism, Transylvania University of Brasov (Romania) on 27th and 28th of May 2010. The meeting was celebrated conjointly with the BIOATLAS Congress, an International Symposium considering topics such as agriculture, food, landscape management and tourism, between others.


According to the agenda foreseen, the meeting started with  the warm welcome from the host, Dr. Romulus Gruia, Dean of the Faculty. Afterwards the members of the Project Committee met to review and evaluate the work done during the last 6 months. After the lunch, the members of the SME-IAGs  (BEMEFA, FIORE and ROPAM), configuring the SEC Committee, met to evaluate the technical work presented before and to have several important decisions for the fruitful advance of the project.

The next day, during the BIOATLAS 2010 opening session, Ms Mª Isabel Berruga in the role coordinator, presented the TECHeese project to the public audience. In addition to the coordinator, some members of the consortium participate actively as session chairman or presenting their own research work.


Finally, the TECHeese attendance to the event visited the sheep farm where the TECHeese trials will be developed in Romania and a cheese traditional factory.