Recently, the 24th Month Meeting of the TECHeese Project was held in Denmark on 26th and 27th of January 2012.

Between participants were members of InnospeXion Apps, Ropam, Nutraceutical, Delogu, Transylvania and Sassari Universities and the UCLM University both as project coordinator as RTD party.


According to the agenda foreseen, the Project Committe meeting (Hvalso, Denmark) started with the warm welcome from the host, Mr. Joergen Rheinlaender (Innospexion) and the Project coordinator Ms. Isabel Berruga (UCLM).

Afterwards, the members of the Project Committee met to review and evaluate the work done during the last months. The advances corresponding to Effect on Sheep and Cheese (WPs 2 & 3) and Inspection Methodology (Wps 5, 6 & 7) were shown to the audience.

After the lunch, the assistants have discussed about the WP9, WP10 actions, and Administrative issues.

The next day, the Steering and Exploitation Committee members evaluated the Project Advances and Results, in the city of Roskilde.

This 24th Month meeting, which was extended during two days, concluded with Final conclusions and a closure event for all assistants.