Recently, the second technical meeting of the project was held in the city of Hvalsoe, Denmark on 24th August 2010.
Between participants were members of InnospeXion Apps, Ropam, Transylvania and Sassari Universities and the UCLM University both as project coordinator as RTD party.
In this second technical meeting have discussed the advances and final decisions of the 7 plants active against overall undesirable microorganisms.
These developments corresponding to WP1 have been shown to the audience through chemical characterization, antimicrobial activity, in general, composition and nutritional value presentations. In addition,advances corresponding the WP5, WP9 and WP10 are shown below to the public.
This 2nd technical meeting, which was extended during a single day, concluded with a pleasant walk through Harbour Roskilde and a social dinner for all assistants at this place.